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SCH Blog

The First 10: Part 1

10 kids. That's where it all began for us. Over the course of the next week, we will be highlighting the stories of our first 10 children. Take a look back with us as we reflect on where it all began:


Wendy was 17; she is now 27. In those first days of getting to know her, Sarah observed that: “Wendy is very much a lady--likes to look nice, wear pretty clothing, sit quietly... She had a Christian ayah (caretaker) at the government orphanage, and her face lights up during prayer times or when we mention Jesus' name.” Today, Wendy is a spit-fire. She still lights up at the name of Jesus. She continues to enjoy participating in the vocational program. You can see the pride on her face as she shows anyone and everyone who enters the room what she has completed. She has recently started sweeping after meals and finds joy in completing chores like the rest of the girls. We see her confidence grow through new challenges and responsibilities.


Amulya & Dhivena

In Sarah’s words, our twins, Amulya and Dhivena were “probably 13 or 14, but charts say 11.5 years old. They are constantly happy and good-natured. They shout out and fall all over themselves with excitement when they are spoken to. Amulya is shy--it's cute.”

Today, Amulya is learning working on her communication through sign language--right now, focusing on the signs for red, yellow, and green. In class she enjoys building blocks, pegboard puzzles, and games that have her practice identifying colors. She is also learning to bead with 1-inch size beads. In the mornings she is very excited about her clothes and is learning how to dress herself and powder her face. Amulya is working hard to be more independent in self care activities like combing her hair, dressing herself, and powdering her face. Beyond this, she is working on additional daily living skills, like washing her plate after meals.

Dhivena has become quite the beauty queen. Everyday she is asking for new hairstyles; her current favorite is the french braid. She also, is learning how to bead with 1-inch size beads. She has learned how to write the letter A, and is learning to sign colors. So far, she can sign green and identify various objects of that color. Dhivena, like her twin, loves puzzles and blocks. She continues to make progress in her communication and social skills through sign language. Dhivena, too, is becoming more and more independent in her everyday life--participating in chores, like washing her own plate.


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