Sarah's Covenant Homes is a response to the abandonment of children with disabilities and medical needs in India through family-like homes in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, India.
We're more than just children's homes. SCH is a big, messy family, and we do what families do. We wipe noses, change diapers, hug, dance, cry, laugh, celebrate milestones, comfort, teach, encourage, and love. We believe that children belong in families--if not their original ones, an adoptive family, or as close to a long-term family environment as we can provide for them.
We do this because we believe in the unique and unlimited beauty and worth of every human being. We believe that all God's children (of any age) deserve unconditional love every moment of their lives. And we know you do as well.
Few homes like ours exist in India. It's essential that we continue and that we thrive. Please know that if you invest in SCH, you're meeting a real need in the community and improving the quality of life for precious individuals who truly have no one else.