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SCH Blog

Finding Santosh's Voice

When *Santosh came to Sarah's Covenant Homes in 2008, he was seen by the world as someone with very little potential. A child without much of a future to look forward to. We believed even then that he was special and refused to accept the lie that he would never amount to much, and how powerful it has been over the past 9 years to see just how right we were. Although he is mute and can't communicate much, *Santosh has so much to offer. All of our SCH staff agree that he is a huge help and an enormous blessing. We can't imagine what life in Victory Home (*Santosh's home) would be like without him.

If you've ever had the pleasure of meeting *Santosh, you already know that he is a brilliant young man. He is a leader in his home and is always lending a helping hand. If you've never met him (as most of you likely haven't) let me paint a picture for you: the first time you visit Victory, *Santosh will reach out to politely shake your hand and then lead you to meet his foster brothers, most likely doing crafts in the room next door (a favorite pastime in this home.) He will probably show you around his home and let you try out the many crafts his little family has made. A rocking chair, hats, pottery... all made of recyclable materials they get in a monthly shipment. Your eyes will dance around the room taking in all the wonderful crafts this boy has helped create. In the video below you can see *Santosh playing a guitar he made out of cardboard. (Yes, he MADE that!)

Under the amazing staff at Victory Home, this amazing guy that no one believed in has flourished into the young man he is today. *Santosh is a creator, an artist, a leader, a brother, a friend, a gamer, a hard worker, a gentleman and a helping hand. He is not someone to be pitied. There is so much joy, dignity, and value in his life! But even so, *Santosh is very much in need of your help. Being born mute is not a death sentence, far from it, but *Santosh has not had the opportunity to learn sign language. This will make his life so much more difficult and we want him to have access to everything good thing he possible can get. Sarah's Covenant Homes is looking for a team of men who are able to come Victory Home and teach *Santosh, our staff, and a few of our other boys sign language. We desperately want *Santosh to be able find his voice. If you could help and are interested in volunteering your time for such a great cause please Click Here to apply. If you know of someone who can teach sign language and would be interested in investing in this young man's life, please share the word about *Santosh.

Maybe this story has grabbed your heart but you have no background in sign language. You can still help! We are actively seeking donors who are willing to help financially support this young man. He does not have any monthly sponsors and we want to see that change! If *Santosh's story has impacted you and you want to be a part of this awesome young man's life, Click Here to become a sponsor. By becoming a sponsor, you will be updated on his progress and how he is doing throughout the year.

A voice is a powerful thing. To be able to communicate your needs, to connect with the world, to make yourself heard... Can you imagine a life where you have no access to any of that? For now, we are *Santosh's voice and we are speaking up for him. And we happily invite you to be a part of it. We will carry on and always be here for him as long as he needs it, but we look forward to the day when *Santosh is able to use his own "voice" by communicating through sign language.


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