Anjali School for the Blind (ASB) is an on-site school started at SCH in 2015. There are few resources for children in Hyderabad who are blind, especially for those who have multiple diagnoses or who are preschool-aged. ASB started with a desire to provide education to these children, and over the years it has grown and has become a place where the children thrive! The children receive academic instruction, braille support, orientation & mobility training, and OT and speech therapy as needed. Classes are play-based and tailored to meet the child’s individual needs.
Chloe is 6 years old and has lived at Sarah’s Covenant Homes since she was 3. She has been attending Anjali School for the Blind since it started in 2015 and many of her milestones have been reached while in class! When ASB started, Chloe was non-verbal and had very little receptive language. Chloe’s breakthrough came through music/songs, and ASB incorporates music into class every day. Chloe is now talking in English and often reminds everyone “I’m so funny!”. She has developed excellent tactile discrimination skills,as you can see in the video when she tracks braille lines and identifies various textures. Chloe is making great progress with learning to read braille! Her favourite game that she plays at ASB is freeze tag!
Nimitha has been working at Anjali School for the Blind as a teacher since it started in 2015. She didn’t have previous experience working with blind children, but receives on the job training. Teachers all sit down together once a week for a meeting where they discuss goals and learn together about a topic that impacts the children, such as feeding strategies, techniques for teaching braille, and tips for reading to a blind child. ASB enrolled Nimitha in an online class at Hadley School for the Blind where Nimitha learned about preparing a visually impaired toddler to read braille. She has been working closely with Chloe over the past two years and sits with her during reading time every day where they work on braille literacy. She also leads one of our classes, teaching Jasmine, Dinah, and Cedar! The kids are working on following simple commands, using their guide canes functionally, independence in daily living, and attending to an activity!
Become a monthly sponsor of Anjali School for the Blind! We are hoping to hire one more teacher to meet our need as our number of students continues to grow. We would like to raise $120/month in order to hire this new teacher and be fully staffed and fully funded! Sign up below to sponsor ASB!
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